ILS Flying High
Magazine 2021-22

Academic Session: 2021-22
Image By Dhruv Rathi (IIIA)

Magazine Cover

Vision Statement

To nurture 21st Century Innovative Lifelong Learners in an inclusive environment who are equipped with Life Skills and Social Values to become Global Citizens.

Mission Statement



His Excellency Shri. Abhay Thakur

(High Commissioner of India & Chairman Board of Trustees)

Mr. M.L. Lalchandani

Chairman Committee of the Board of Trustees

Dr. (Mrs.)Suman Kanwar

Ex Principal of ILS

Mr. V. Srivathsan

Mr. Rahul Savara

Mr. Nari Gwalani

Mr. A. Bharadwaj

Represented by Mr. Sudharsanam Ellanti

Mrs. Poonam Dalamal

Mr. Siva Subramanian

Mr. Alok Gupta

Mr. Navdeep Singh Sodhi

Mr. Suresh Govindaram

Mr. Peeyush Garg

Mr. Madhukar Khetan

Chief (Mr.) Sanjay Jain

(ex-officio – ICA)

Mrs. Ramneet Kaur

(ex-officio – PTA)

Mrs. Sonali Gupta

(Principal & Secretary Board of Trustees)

Senior Leaders

Senior Leaders

  1. Mrs Sonali Gupta - Principal
  2. Dr. Mrs Manisha Jain - Vice Principal-1
  3. Mrs Ishita Yadav - Vice Principal-2
  4. Mrs Bindu Mathew - Head of Exam Department and Co-ordinator
  5. Mrs Rashmi Lakhanpal - Head of Curriculum Development and Senior Co-ordinator
  6. Mrs Geetanjali Bajaj - Co-ordinator
  7. Mrs Gursharan Shergill - Supervisor
  8. Mrs Nisha Ramchandani - Supervisor

The Spirit of ILS - An Interview with the Principal

Watch this insightful interview of Jahnavi Nandwani with Mrs. Sonali Gupta the principal of ILS to get to know a bit more about the school. Our questions:

  1. 2021 was a big year for ILS. The school finally reopened physically. What was that process like?
  2. What was the student response like?
  3. What did ILS do to minimize the stress faced by students?
  4. Indian Language School successfully conducted the grade 10 and 12 board exams under covid precautions. How did the teachers and staff manage such a mammoth task?
  5. Do you have any messages to the outgoing students i.e. the batch of 2022?
  6. Looking to the future, what has ILS planned to make the year 2022-23 even better than the last?

The Pride of ILS - An Interview with Keyush

[ AIR 1460 NEET 2022 ]

Dheer Ramnani, a student from class XII-B interviewed Keyush Venket Subramanian who bagged ALL INDIA RANK 1460 in NEET-2022, scored 99.90% in NEET-2022. He studied from Indian Language School, Lagos, Nigeria, and is also one of the school toppers with 97.4% in the CBSE grade 12 board exams. He also got 98.52% in IIT JEE Mains. He is an aspiring doctor studying at AIIMS Patna. Heartiest Congratulations to him and all the best for his future studies. Our questions:


Headboy Message

“Success is a journey, not a destination. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you're on the journey. But you've got to have the determination, vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end.”

14 years ago, a five-year-old little boy with big dreams walked into this school. 14 years later, he stands honoured and humbled to not only be part of this school’s rich history but thankful for the opportunities the school has given him to grow, develop and define himself as an individual.

Being elected as Head Boy of Indian Language School was something I dreamt of since my early years in school. I am who I am today only because of the values that ILS has instilled in me. I owe my confidence and success to ILS and will forever be grateful.

My journey at Indian Language School has seen massive changes, not only within the staff and buildings but in the way we look at our school. I have seen the school grow and evolve whilst keeping its traditions, standards and core values.

The one thing I value the most and is also a precious gift this institution has given to all its students is a strong character along with integrity, ethics and a growth mindset. The reason I say this is because time and again the students of Indian Language School have proved their worth. Since 1982 ILS has always been flying high, setting new benchmarks for itself year after year.

ILS is turning 40 years in 2022 and once again we have shown what we are made up of because even the pandemic could stop us from achieving our goals and dreams. I would like to commend the immense efforts put in by our teachers to get accustomed to using new software and helping us realize the idea of “Schooling from Home.” Due to their efforts, we could experience a seamless transition into online learning as they got us familiarized with Zoom, Google Classroom, TedEd lessons, Nearpod, and several other platforms to keep our learning interesting and uninterrupted.
This year has been extremely successful for the student council. We re-introduced the Science Paper Presentation and successfully conducted the Inter-House Sports Competition. We ensured that even during the lockdown, our festive celebrations took place in the form of virtual special assemblies. We were glad to host talk shows related to Coronavirus and have special addresses from counsellors, and other professionals. Students would lighten up our day in the morning assembly by showcasing talents such as cooking, decorating, and various essential life skills. None of this would have been possible without the relentless efforts put in by our Respected Principal Mrs Sonali Gupta, Our Vice-Principals, Senior Leaders, and Teachers. They have always been there to guide us on the right path. I would also like to thank the school administration, maintenance and the non-teaching staff for always helping us whenever needed. And of course, the students, who not only elected us to represent them but also cooperated with us on every step of our journey. I would like to thank my family for their guidance and blessings throughout my life. My message to all the students at Indian Language School, Know what you are capable of because no matter the odds, YOU Can Achieve Any Goal - be it big or small - If you Put Your Heart and Mind into it. I am sure ILS will continue what it does best - “FLYING HIGH”. Believe. Seek. Succeed.


Headgirl Message

I knew this day would come when I would have to write a note for the magazine, but I am going, to be honest with you. I am emotional, overwhelmed and confused. So, I am going to do what I do best, and tell you a story. My story. 14 years have passed since I stepped foot into this esteemed institution, and I cannot believe that the time to bid farewell has approached so soon. It is quite difficult to pin down and sum up all the emotions and memories gushing into my mind, but I will say that this journey has been a rollercoaster ride.

Sumedha Mohan, Head Girl of Indian Language School! Saying it out loud a year hence still gives me chills and puts a huge smile on my face. I specifically remember the first time I was recognised as a leader when my 8th grade English teacher applauded me for managing my group exceptionally well. I always wanted to be a part of the student council but was never courageous enough to put myself out there. I finally convinced myself with the help of my parents and friends that I have what it takes and stood for the elections of the year 2021-22 and was elected head girl. First and foremost, a huge thank you to all those who stood by me and trusted me. It has been a privilege and honour to have served the school and its students. In my election speech, I said - I will lead by example and this post helped me fulfil that promise. It taught me to express, connect and encourage every student but also learn from each one of you. I learnt to listen better and thus care for the needs of the students. My wholehearted thanks to all those who believed and guided me through this wondrous journey. It is never too late to try! So, to all those aspiring leaders, it is imperative that you believe in yourself and your abilities. Then and only then will you be of service to others.

During this academic year, we saw an increase in participation in all activities, academic and otherwise. Our school was yet again recognised on multiple international forums and the students all the way from 1st to 12th grade brought back laurels to ILS. We helped organise along with the Student Voice Group, for the first time in ILS history “Innovation Day” which was a huge success. After 2 years, we physically conducted the “Science Paper Presentation” and the “Inter-House Sports Week”. This could not have been accomplished without the never-ending support of our Principal Mrs Sonali Gupta, our Vice Principals Dr Mrs Manisha Jain and Mrs Ishita Yadav and last and not least the students without whose cooperation and support, these events would not have been successful.

In the last three years, since the outbreak of the coronavirus, we were all isolated and put in a situation that demanded introspection and thus a change in perspective. We were instantly forced to change our very lifestyle. From enjoying weeks of extra holiday to longing for just one more moment with our friends and teachers at school, we too had a change of heart as students towards our school. Every moment counts! We all learnt this one way or another these past couple of years and it has made us stronger for it. I am proud to say that Indian Language School is a tight-knit family! We braved and bested every difficulty with zeal and enthusiasm.

As ILS completes 40 years of its establishment, I am overjoyed to have been part of this year's outgoing batch. I would like to extend to all the students, teachers, and non-teaching staff my heartiest congratulations and sincere gratitude. As I pass the baton down to the next batch of seniors, I wish you all the very best and offer my confidence! I am sure the ILS flag will always be kept flying high.

Vice Headboy

Vice Headboy Message

Great schools are a product of great individuals who work tirelessly towards a collective goal - this is what Indian Language School is. During this year, we have stood tall as students at Indian Language School, we have been courageous, we have leant on each other, and we have grown and deepened our bond with one another. It is by no means been all perfect or always gone to plan but not only have we survived but we have also thrived, and we must be proud of this.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Principal, Mrs Gupta, Vice Principals Mrs Jain, and Mrs Yadav along with all the teachers and non-teaching staff for guiding and leading the way for not only me but the entire school throughout this year to ensure we still receive quality education and an impeccable school experience while still dedicating time into the betterment of this school. Being the Vice Head boy of this school has been the greatest honour I have had, and I will cherish it forever. I cannot wait for the school to go from strength to strength as we continue to be known not for what we lost to the pandemic but for the world our school has created from it.


Vice Headgirl Message

Coming together is beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success – this line inspired me to start my message on a positive note. 2021, was a year of building resilience, both worldwide and individually. I got the opportunity to be the voice of the students at Indian Language School.

I thank all the students and teachers for trusting me with this responsibility and supporting throughout the year with valuable contributions. This, I believe, was the year when all of us had already adapted to live the lifestyle that was new to us in 2020, which made every event in 2021 an enthusiastic, energy filled experience with more competitions online and offline.

Starting from the daily assembly, talk shows, competitions, special assembly, festival celebrations which really brought out students with hidden talents. AND working together as a team really made it more special. I would like to thank the Principal, Vice-Principals, teachers and especially the students at Indian Language School, for making this the best year ever!!!


ILS Flying High Magazine 2021-22


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