Coding Team Editorial

Teacher's Editorial

Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher

The school magazine each year opens up a pandora’s box of talent and inspiration. Everybody looks eagerly forward to the wonderful articles, paintings, and delightful anecdotes by our scholars. The magazine at the same time gives the students a learning pad to bounce on and feel elated. It is a recap of the year in pictures and whizzes past our eyes on the pages or online. The transition from online to offline was very smooth and the learning was intense. Our Principal Mrs Gupta has been instrumental in guiding us through this phase. A huge thanks to all the students and teachers who put in so much effort to bring this magazine together.

The Spirit of the ILS Magazine

The school magazine has always been a source of wonder for a lot of people and they intently look forward to it every year. Being a part of this team has helped all of us learn a lot, not only while working on the magazine but also from each other. Working for hours and days on end, we have all made amazing friends along the way. Coding, designing, compiling etc all of these fascinating tasks have given us clarity on our careers. We now know where our interests lie and how we want to pursue them. Overall, this entire journey has prepared us for all the exciting things headed our way and we have learnt that “Teamwork makes the Dreamwork”.

Dheer Ramnani

Dheer Ramnani

Despite the fact that I joined the coding team a few months later, I began working on understanding the website's structure. With Gaurav Shah's invaluable guidance, I learned how crucial synergy is for a project of this scale. Only sitting in meetings with Gautam and Gaurav, have I realized that an issue as small as a missing comma sometimes took hours to find & sometimes we gave up and simply headed to our beloved companions Stack Overflow and W3 schools to Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. For me, the completion of the magazine wasn't a goal, it was a journey from new skills being learned to new friendships being formed. My participation in this project is something that I will never forget, the memories made along the way with Gaurav and Gautam in my team is one priceless memory to reminisce.

Gautam Khera

Gautam Khera

Building this magazine was no easy task. Without Gaurav’s guidance, mine and Dheer’s hard work, we wouldn't be here. I am very much proud of this magazine which I would call a piece of art. I absolutely loved the experience of coding it. I learnt so much about web development and it truly gave me an insight into the career itself. The magazine is not just a website or a stack of codes for me. It’s the blood, sweat and tears of the coding team, the coffees that were consumed, the brains that were exhausted, the nights that were spent, the hard work of Gaurav, Dheer and Gautam, all in ‘a bunch of lines’.

Gaurav Shah

Gaurav Shah

Our journey as the coding team began with the simplest of decisions. Who to recruit, what platform to use, etc. We began from the ground up, taking inspiration from the previous magazine, with the intention to make one even better than that. We were so lucky to have a coding team that was ready to put in the work and constantly learn and innovate to make this project a success. The determination and hardwork of this team, despite the many challenges along the way, will remain an inspiration to me. We hope you enjoy the love and care we have put into every little detail of this magazine.


Jahnavi Nandwani

Greetings, Working on the ILS Flying High magazine has been an absolute pleasure for me. I would like to thank Mrs Gupta and Mrs Shergill for giving me and all the other students this opportunity and also Gaurav for always teaching us and supporting us throughout the journey. As a student of ILS since Lower KinderGarten, being able to lead the team making the annual magazine is a matter of immense honour for me and definitely one of the most memorable projects I've taken up. This magazine has been made for all of you with a lot of love and respect to always be able to reminisce about your days at this prestigious institution. A huge thank you to the entire magazine team, especially the coders who have sat for nights at a stretch to bring all the efforts to the success it is right now!
Thank you

Signing off

Jahnavi Jandwani

Design Team

Kruti Oza Gehna Jain Ishita Mittal Sanya Sinha Sneha Mohnani

Creativity is a function of leadership. It requires navigating uncharted territory and having the courage to face adversity to bring your vision into fruition.” The magazine team was a beautiful journey and a very big learning experience of teamwork and creativity. It felt like jumping into the abyss at first, but then the fear turned into excitement. We met a new set of people, learned, explored and innovated with them. Our magazine delivers great content to their readers in a conversational style that creates a rapport. This herculean task of editing our school magazine has been possible only with the sincere support and efforts of the members. All of us brainstormed for hours and days on how to create new designs and make this magazine even better than the one before. We hope we can learn and teach as we go along the way.

Arshia Patel

Arshia Patel

Compiling Team

It is a pleasant aspect to have the ability, however, the potential to find out capability in others is the test. The enthusiastic write-ups of our young writers are indubitably sufficient to hold the interest and admiration of the readers. The magazine is to be viewed as a launch pad for the children's creative urges to blossom naturally. The magazine also espouses the School spirit built up within the school through collective actions, thoughts and aspirations. I am thankful to our Principal for entrusting us with the responsibility of editing and designing. The reflection of the student's creativity and achievements is the epitome of the magazine. At last, I will thank the team who is always there to support me whatsoever!